Harki Lab Supergroup Meetings
Spring - Summer - Fall 2024
First Thursday of the month; 9 am
1-101 Microbiology Research Facility (MRF)
May 2: Research – Jared; Research – Jake; Literature – Mackenzie
June 6: Research – Ram; Research – Rayhan; Mechanisms – Jake
July 11: Research – Girish; Research – Rahul; Literature – Kate
August 1: Research – Mackenzie; Literature – Lauren; Mechanisms – Jared
October 3: Research – Laura; Literature – Jared; Mechanisms – Ram
November 7: Research – Farzana; Literature – Jake; Literature – Brandon
December 5: Research – Brandon; Literature – Laura; Literature – Alondra
January 9, 2025: Research – Alondra; Literature – Farzana; Mechanisms – Rahul
February 6: Research – Kate; Literature – Ram; Literature – Girish
March 6: Research – Lauren; Literature – Rahul; Literature – Rayhan
RESEARCH TALKS (40-45 mins). Research talks are formal presentations and should include: (I) a detailed background discussion, (II) a brief summary of previous results, (III) an extensive presentation of current data (since last research talk), and (IV) a future directions and goals slide. A well-crafted talk with publication-caliber graphics is expected. A copy of this presentation should be deposited into the Harki lab server in the group member's folder shortly after group meeting.
LITERATURE TALKS (10-15 mins). Manuscripts for discussion must be distributed (email is fine) no later than Tuesday evening. Literature talks are critical presentations of recent manuscripts from the scientific literature. Presentations should include: (I) a brief introduction into the area of science relevant to the selected manuscript, (II) a discussion of the selected paper, and (III) your overall opinion(s) of the study. Manuscripts for presentation should be relevant to the research conducted in the Harki laboratory. A copy of this presentation should be deposited into the Harki lab server in the group member's folder shortly after group meeting.
Problem Sets (30 mins): Problem sets (and solutions) will be prepared by group members on a rotating basis. The group member responsible for directing the problem session will prepare a 5-10 minute chalk-talk on a particular transformation (or family of transformations) and then provide 5-10 representative problems to be solved by members of the group during the meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting the problem set will be archived digitally into the Harki lab server for future reference.